Tuesday, July 9, 2013

My Understanding of Achieving Success-4

How to blast through procrastination  

The key to blasting through procrastination foe # 1 (feeling overwhelmed) is to take  small steps.  They key to blasting through procrastination foe # 2 (feeling inadequate) is to ask for help. 

Procrastination foe # 1

Being overwhelmed by the size or complexity of the task. 

Key - Taking small steps over a concentrated period of time to adhere the greater task  

Blasting tips- Choose a project or goal that you have been putting off because            its overwhelming, Break it  down into small , manageable  steps, Schedule each  small  step  into  your  calendar  over the  span of a week  

Reminder   - Its easier to accomplish the overwhelming task by doing it in small steps  

Procrastination foe #2  

Feeling inadequate or incapable of doing the project.

Key- A slang or help from experts or management.

Blasting tips-  

Select a project that you have been avoiding because you are feeling inadequate or incapable of completing the job.
Ask for help from someone who has knowledge   
Together devise an action plan for doing the project
Complete steps 2 to 4 from foe #1 on your own.
Go back for help as many times as you need to if you get struck along the way

Reminder-  Successful people  understand that they don’t know  everything and surround themselves  with advisers  and consultants  to help them  get the  job done.  You can do this too 
How to bring simple luxuries into your everyday Life.

The American Heritage Dictionary defines luxury as: - Something not absolutely necessary that provides comfort or enjoyment and the enjoyment of sumptuous living

Remember that the simple thing in life can give you the most pleasure.  Luxury can be  an everyday  thing  when you think  if it  in terms of  pampering  and  nurturing   yourself  in small  ways what I call “ Simple luxury”.

It’s a necessary part of taking care of yourself.  Its rejuvenates you when you are experiencing stress from your responsibilities, It feeds your soul, it brings you a sense of abundance.  Having simple  luxuries in your day to day  life   makes you  feel light of  heart and  adds  to your  overall  well being.

Simple luxury means different thing to different people.  One person may splurge on a Monte Blank pen and enjoy a luxurious feeling whenever he uses the pen.  Another simple luxury may be having fresh flowers on her desk to relish every week.

What are your simple luxuries? Listen to your still small voice with in to hear what would be playful, luxurious and nurturing to you.  Write them down; let yourself indulge in them regularly.  Allow yourself the pleasure of sumptuous living and start experiencing your simple luxurious today.                

The Mindset of positive expectancy   

Positive expectancy is a mindset.  Its an eager expectancy  of success.  It includes and goes beyond intention, commitments, visualization and affirmation.  Positive expectancy has three steps:-
            (a)       Expecting a positive outcome
            (b)       Doing whatever it takes for that to happen
            (c)        Accepting nothing less

There is no room for plan B with positive expectancy.  It’s an inner resolve that hooks up   with something greater than you to create the momentum for a successful outcome. Magical things  will happen  when you   choose  the  mindset of  positive expectancy   Play the bigger game.


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