Saturday, July 13, 2013

My Understanding of Achieving Success-7

To improve communication  

Few simple words can either build bridges or build walls. Bridges keep the communication flowing easily and harmoniously.  Wall creates distance and cause disharmony.  Make sure you are building bridges.   .

If someone tells you “you should do that” you have to get this done right now.  Your thoughts might be “Don’t tell me what to do “NO way, buster”   .”Should” and “have to “have a feeling of judgments or authority attached to them.  They cause a negative reaction.  These words build walls.  To make  them  into  bridge  builders  try saying,  “consider trying  it this way “ “When  do you  think  you  might  be able  to get  this done?

Immediately eliminate “should and “have to “from your language.

Ways to take nice-spring breaks…All long years 

Spring break, fun in the sky, food & Beverages.  Friends and Romance, Rest and relaxation, laughter, connections, get -away.  Just like setting time aside for meetings and work projects, it’s important to set time aside just for you.  This time can be spent alone or with others   you enjoy.  It can  last  15 minutes, a few  hours  or all day you are  actually  scheduling  a small spring  back that  you can   look  forward  to every  single  week.

To give you an idea there is a way called “The Artists way”.
          (a)  Make a list of 12 things  you have  enjoyed  doing  (Gardening,  going to movie,     cooking, dancing, giving and getting messages, biking, playing  games, reading, bowling, symphony, attending  a  ball game  biking etc)
             (b)   Go back over your list and date the last time you did each one.
            (c)   Are you surprised to find that it’s been months or even years since you                       have done some of the things you enjoy.

Mini spring breaks feed your soul. Rejuvenate your body and clear your mind.  They are vital ingredients to living success from inside out. Make it a habit to make mini springs breaks all year long.  Relax, laugh connect and play. Be like a college student- it’s party time 

The Art of appreciating success  

Cultivating the art of appreciating success is one of the most valuable things you can do.  Take time out daily to say thank you and give praise to others and yourself. Appreciating success, acknowledging accomplishment and rewarding achievement balances out negative.  Build self confidence and boosts spirits.  Ultimately the art of appreciating success generate more success.

Start  with appreciating five people  tomorrow by saying  thank you  and giving praise, then appreciate  yourself  by    making  a list of your  5 success for the day .  Just by writing them down you are acknowledging you accomplishments

Common characteristics of perfectly perfect

Do you strive to be a perfect patty or a perfect Patrick? Do you spend hours trying to make a project at work or at home just right? Do you worry that what you are doing or saying won’t be good enough? Do you procrastinate   on getting started, stop in the middle or just not finish? These are just some off the characteristics of a perfectionist.

Being a perfectionist put lots of strain, pressure and stress on you.  If you are prone to such tendencies ask yourself whose standards you are trying to, live up to, yours or somebody else’s. Rather than trying to please others please yourself    instead  by  doing  your  best and  strive for excellence, rather than perfection

A personalized strategy for putting yourself first  

Our tendency  when  we are  thrust into a   caretaking  role, is to  give our all  to  those people  is need.  whether  they are ailing  parents,  young children , demanding boss, a  stressed out   co worker, a needy friend  or a spouse  who wants  more time . It’s natural to want to put them first above over own needs.  Yet when we consistently do this over time we will suffer and so will they?

When too much of your time  and  energy is extended  towards  others  it will  be  at the  expense of  your own  self care.

Ask yourself these guest ours  
            What does putting myself first mean to me?
            Where am I not putting myself first?
            How Have I been putting myself first?
            How have I been letting myself care slip?
            What three things can I do right now to begin?
Some ideas to get started
            Say no to requests
            Go to bed earlier
            Make that doctors appointment
            Do something for fun everyday
            Let go of a volunteer activity
            Stop staying late at work
            Have a house keeper

 Your greatest gift to those you care-about is to take care of yourself first

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