Monday, July 15, 2013

My Understanding of Achieving Success-9

A six step process to help your Re-entry.

Be a smooth ride


Define the essence of what re-entry will bring you.  More time money, connection, love,   well-being, success, fulfillment, fun, peace of mind.  That’s where the motivation lays, your touch stone.  If it is not your heart’s desire, if someone’s “shouldering” on you, then drop it.  Or refine it until it is.


State out loud or write down what it is you want.  That is the intention you are sending out to the universe. The universe will meet you half way to help you   co-relate the results.


Pledge to yourself that you will do whatever it takes to make this smooth re-entry happens.


Support comes from three places- Internal strength, other people and a higher power.  Decide which system will best support you, set up an accountability check in system with select friend & colleagues.  Hire a coach.  Pray, meditate, take time for yourself.   


Identify the action steps you need to take, Run then by someone else for a reality check. Reconnect to  taking  the actions  necessary  for a smooth  re-entry  and  then  do whether  it takes  to make  that happen. 

Fine tune 

 Action is the fifth step rather than the first.  Many people “just do it” without any reflection then hit bumpy terrain and wonder why they falters or stop.  Taking  time  to do  the first  four steps,  will set  your environment  up for  success from  inside  out..

Go through each of the first 4 steps in those entry processes.  This  won’t take long  then and only then,  do steps  5 and 6  Now  you are  back in the  swing  of things .Reap the results  of your  actions  and enjoy  a smooth reentry.

Three sources of support  for success  minded people 

Success minded people know that their success is a team effort. The high level support comes from three places   

Your inner self  

The wisdom part of you, your initiation. The voice within.

The angel next door   

People who impact you in significant and profound way they can be mentor coach, minister or teacher.  These are the people     who encourage you to take the road less traveled, who embolden you to stretch to reach your full potential.

A higher power    

Through prayer and meditation.  Ask for guidance and assistances from God.  You may receive what you asked for or you may receive something even greater that looks completely different. 

Five steps to beating the comparison blues

Watch out for comparison blues. They sneak up on you without warning.  One minute you are on top of the world and the next minute you are in the pits.  You don’t even know what hit you.  All you know is that you are now down in the dump and it feels crummy.  Don’t despair It happens to everyone and there is no antidote. 

Don’t let comparison blues block you from your success.  Don’t let it keep you captive either. If you find yourself in the clutches if comparison blues quickly take    the following “comparison Blues Antidote:-
         Be aware that you are comparing yourself to someone else.
         Acknowledge that you are unique with your own special talents and gifts.
        Ask yourself there is something about  the other  person  you did honesty  like  for              yourself.
         If so, decide what small action you can take to start getting you there and do it right way.
       If the comparisons persist, do a reality check talk to a supportive friend, mentor or coach who can quickly point you back to reality.

The biggest clue is when you find yourself feeling inadequate all of a sudden; chances are good that you are comparing yourself to someone else.  Catch yourself a soon as you can.  Immediately take the comparison blues antidote and stop singing the comparison blues.    

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