Thursday, July 18, 2013

My Understanding of Achieving Success-12

The magic of spontaneous combustion   

Knowing when  it’s time  to walk  away from  a task and do  something  else , in order  to uncover the steps  needed to  finish  the original  task.  The secret of achieving success through the magic of spontaneous combustion.  There are times when no matter how often I go over something, I just can’t seem to come up with the answer. The more I try to think creatively the more elusive the solution becomes. When I  realize that sinking my teeth deeper  into the situation  will only  bring more frustration  and  wasted time,  I let  go of the  task  at hand  and  do something  else  instead.  And once I walk away, I inevitably receive my answer.

Sometimes answers come to me at the oddest times when I am driving, in the shower, while running, dancing or having dinner with friends.  Answers magically appear through “incubating and percolating.  Incubating by putting yourself in a relaxing environment where his thinking process would go underground and work at a sub conscious level. While incubating your subconscious mind begins percolating with thoughts, ideas and solutions

Walking away + relaxing + incubating + Percolating + time = The magic of spontaneous   combustion

When you find  yourself  reaching  an impasse with something, walk away from  it, enjoy doing  something  else while  your subconscious  mind  is at  work  incubating  and percolating.  Be pleasantly surprised as your answers and solutions suddenly appear when you least aspect them.  Now go back to your task and finish it up with ease.

What your mirror reflection is telling you.  

The people you relate with reflect   back to you the things you need to know about yourself especially if they have triggered a strong emotional reaction in you.  Often  this mirror reflection is  showing  you the  very thing  you need  to change  or heal  in yourself  rather than  blaming  others  and expecting  them  to change.  It’s telling you to look within rather than without.

When you change on the  inside the outside circumstances  can’t help  but change  It takes  courage to come  back  and look  at yourself  to see  where  you need to change  However the rewards are worth it.

A secret to success and happiness    

If you  want to  have a satisfying  and fulfilling  life  then you must learn how to  ask  for what  you  want  You are got to ask.  Asking is in my opinion the world most powerful and neglected secret of success and happiness.  Asking for what you want is a skill to be mastered.
There are many people waiting to give you what you want. However you must ask for it.  Remember  this is  a skill  and the  best  way  to learn it,  improve  it, master it, is to be aware  of what you want  and then  ask for it.  The world is full of genius waiting to grant you wishes Help them to help you and remember to ask.  .

Ten empowering messages to tell yourself daily    

What you  listen to and what you say  to yourself  can make  all the  difference  between  having  a great  day and not  so great day.  By reminding  yourself  of these  messages  daily you will  put yourself  into a state  of being that  is  favorable  to achieving  success,  joy and fulfillment.
Here are ten empowering  messages  for you to  follow  They  may be just  right  for you  or you may  want to make  some  changes  so they are more  relevant  and personal.

          Trust your Instinct’s
          Do your blessings
          Count your blessings
          Less is more
          Monitor your thoughts
      Acknowledge others often
    Ask for help when you need it
    Rest in solutions
         Attitude is everything
                     Stop and smell the roses

Let the ten messages be your ten daily reminders, your snippets of profound advice, your empowering self talk.  let them create  for you a  supportive  and  positive  mental  environment  that  will shape  your  attitudes and behaviors  for success and guide the  actions  you  choose to take  .
A powerful exercise to wrap up the year  

As the year draws  to a close, one of the most valuable things  you can  do for  yourself  is to reflect  on all the  wonderful  things  that took for you during  the year,  to accept  and let go of all the things  that didn’t  go as  well as  you would  have liked,  to acknowledge  your growth  and the  changes the  past year has brought  you and  to appreciate  who it  is you have  become  as a person.  This reflection,  this going  within  process  is a part of looking success  from inside out.

An exercise wrapping up the year

Getting Ready   

Find 30 to 60 minutes just for you.   Go to a comfortable place that is quite. Put on some soft music.  Have your favorite comfort food and beverage nearby.

Acknowledge your Accomplishment   

Make a list of 10 to 20 things you have accomplished this year. They can  be either   small or big.  Your wins and success.  Relish the richness of your life as you remember.  Pat yourself on the back for all you have done. Be proud of your accomplishment, your growth, your changes.

Tie up loose Ends
Make a list of 10 to 20 things that you have left unfinished or that are incomplete.


Honor yourself by doing something special to acknowledge the end  of year  in your   journey of life    

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