Monday, August 5, 2013

Understanding Woman

 Woman is to be loved, not understood. This is my first understanding.

The key to happiness

  • You may speak of love and tenderness and passion, but real ecstasy is discovering you haven’t lost your keys after all.
  • Women begin by resisting a man’s advances and ends up blocking his retreat.
  • If you want to change women’s mind agree with her.
  • If you want to know what a woman really means look at her, don’t listen to her.

Everything is mysterious, it is better to enjoy it rather than trying to understand it. Ultimately, the man who goes on trying to understand life proves to be a fool, and the man who enjoys life becomes wise and goes on enjoying life because he becomes more and more aware of mysteries that surround us.

Woman is capable of producing life, man is not .In that way, he is inferior and that inferiority has played a great role in domination of women by men. The psychology of the woman is corrupted by man telling her things which are not true, making her a slave to man, reducing her to a secondary citizen of the world. And the reason for that was that he is muscularly more powerful. But the muscular power is part of animality. If that is going to decide the superiority, any animal is more muscular than man.

Woman is more capable of love than a man is. A man’s love is more or less a physical necessity; a woman’s love is not. It is something that greater, it is a spiritual experience. That’s why the woman is monogamous and man is polygamous. The man would like to have all the world’s women and still he would not be satisfied. His discontent is infinite.

The women can be satisfied only with one love, utterly fulfilled, because she does not look at the body of the man. She looks at his innermost qualities. She does not fall in love with a man who has a beautiful muscular body. She falls in love with a man who has a hormone, something indefinable but immensely attractive, who has a mystery to be explored. She wants her man not to be just a man but an adventure in discovering consciousness.

Lovers never should be forced. Love should not be in the mind at all. Love never should be an attempt. You are playing, dancing, singing, enjoying part of this long joy.
If this happens, it has beauty, when it is made to happen, it is ugly.

A woman is more centered than man. She is more serene, more silent, more patient, is capable of waiting. Because of these qualities she has more resistance to diseases and lives longer than man. Because of her serenity, her delicateness, she can fulfill a man’s life immensely. She can surround a man’s life in a very soothing, cozy atmosphere. But the man is afraid – he does not want to be surrounded by woman. He does not want to let her create cozy warmth around him. He is afraid because that way he will become dependent.

 In China, for thousands of years, the woman was not thought to have a soul, so the husband could kill her and the law would not interfere. She was his possession. If he wanted to destroy his furniture, it was not illegal. If he wanted to destroy his woman, it was not illegal. That is the ultimate insult that a woman has no soul.

Down the centuries there has been no independence for women. The Muslim women have to keep her face covered, so that except her husband no body can see the beauty of her face, the depth of her eyes. In Hinduism, the woman had to die with the husband. What a great jealousy. You have possessed her for your whole life, and even after death, you want to posses her.

Woman can be of immense help in creating an organic society. She is different from man, but not unequal. She is as equal to a man as any other man. She has talents of her own which are absolutely needed. It is not enough to earn money. It is not enough to become successful in the world. More necessary is a beautiful home and the woman has the capacity to change any house into a home. She can fill it with love. She has sensitivity. She can rejuvenate man, help him relax.

It seems that the woman’s only function is to be a factory to produce crowds. And what is the man’s function? He does not participate in her pain, nine months she suffers, the birth of the child she suffers and what does the man do? He simply uses the woman as an object to fulfill his lust and sexuality. He is not concerned about what the consequences will be for the woman. And still he goes on saying,”I love you”. If he had really loved her, the world would not have been overpopulated. His world love is absolutely empty. He has treated her almost like cattle.

13. Man is the most lustful animal on the earth. Every animal has a season when the male becomes interested in the female. Sometimes the season is for a few weeks, sometimes a month or two months and then for the whole year they forget all about sex. That’s why animals are never in a situation of overpopulation. It is only man who is sexual all over the year. And if he is American, then he is sexual in the night, he is sexual in the morning.

Watch everything that is natural with serenity and revolt against all suffering that is imposed by anybody. Revolt. Unless you have a rebellious spirit you are not alive in the true sense of the world.


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