1. Give yourself one goal each day
2. Make time for at least one period of at
least 20 minutes of total relaxation each day
3. Always look at a problem from at least three points of views
4. Make a note of every day what surprises you.
5. Try to surprise someone you work with every day
6. Visualize problems and write them down always
7. Use all your senses
8. Use music somehow everyday in your life
9. Make sure you become absorbed for an hour
or more or at least one hour every day you get deeply involved in something
10. If you use brain storming, focus on what you do in the last
five minutes
11. Hold some meeting standing up.
12. Send fewer group mails
13. Make a point of speaking in person to at least
one person you were planning to email everyday
14. Make sure someone visits another organization
to learn from them every week of the year.
15. Visit another organization yourself at least once a month
16. Ask “lay consultants” to work with you on some projects.
17 Get your family to help you with difficult work problems from
time to time
18. Break established patterns from time to time
19. Take a 20 minutes’ walk every day.
20. Pay for staff to have a drink with each other once every
21. Put the “S” back into Day, make it Days: one day is not enough
22. Reinvent yourself at least once a year.
23. Be happy to say that you will “sleep on it “