Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Measuring your True Self

Exercise to Measure your True Self.

Determine your five chief assets:

Education, Experience, Technical Skills, well adjusted home life, Attitudes, Personality initiative.

Under each asset write the names of three persons you know have achieved large success but do not have this asset to great degree as you. You will realize “You are bigger than you think”.

Look at the things not as they are but as they can be. Visualizations add value to everything.

Practice “Adding Value” Exercise.

Practice adding value to things.
Practice adding value to people.
Practice adding value to yourself.

“I am doing my job and that’s enough” attitude is small, negative thinking. Big thinkers see themselves as members of a team effort, as winning or losing with the team, not by themselves.

What Does it Take to Make a Good Speech.

Knowledge of what one is going to talk about and an intense desire to tell it to other people.

What Causes Quarrels.

99% of the time quarrels starts over petty unimportant matters. So to eliminate quarrel, eliminate petty thinking.

Before complaining or accusing or reprimanding someone or launching counter attacks in self defense ask yourself, “Is it really important?” “In most of the cases, it is not, you can avoid conflict.

Method to Help Yourself Think Above Trivialities.

Keep your eyes focused on big issues/ objectives. In sales big objective is winning sales not arguments. In marriage, peace, happiness and tranquility not quarrels.

Ask is it really important.

Don’t fall into triviality traps.


Creative thinking is simply finding, new, improved way to do anything. It is not reserved for certain occupations nor as it restricted to super intelligent people.

Believe it can be done. To develop creative power through belief:

(a)          Eliminate word impossible.
(b)          Think of something special you have been wanting to do but felt you couldn’t.

 Traditional thinkers mind is paralyzed. Average people resent progress. Man belongs where man wants to go. There is no one best thing to do anything. There are as many best ways as there are creative minds. Nothing grows on ice.


Capacity is a state of mind. How much we can do depend upon how much we think we can do. It never pays to turn decor what looks like an opportunity.

Convinced it pays to do more and better? Then try these two steps:-

Eagerly accept the opportunity to do more.

Next, concentrate on how can I do more?

Bigger the person, the more apt he is to encourage you to talk, smaller the person, the more apt he is to preach you.

Big people monopolize listening, Small people monopolize talking.

Top level leaders in all walks of life spend much more time requesting advises than they do in giving it. A leader is a decision making human machine. Primary aim for asking and listening is that the ideas of others help to spark your own ideas.

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