Thursday, September 5, 2013

Fourteen Common Mistakes Women Make in a Fight.

 1.         Raising your voice and using strong emotional tones.

2.         Using rhetorical questions like “How could you say that”.

3.         Interpreting him by changing the subject back to you r feelings.

4.         Making generalized complaints rather than being specific.

5.         Focusing on complaints rather than asking for what she wants.

6.         Expecting him to respond like a woman instead of a man.

7.         Comparing him to another or how he was in his past.

8.         Staring a fight to express feeling that have been building up.

9.         Going on and on without giving your   partner a chance to express his point of view.

10.       Expecting your partner to make you feel good instead of taking responsibility for feeling good on your own

11.       Expressing resistance with your feelings, “I feel like you “.

12.       Bringing up old issues to make your point

13.       Being unwilling to forgive until he changes, apologizes or suffers long enough.

14.       Making demands rather that expressing preferences.  

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