Monday, September 30, 2013

Teacher & Guru

            A teacher takes responsibility of your growth
            A guru makes you responsible for your growth
            A teacher gives you things you do not have and require
            A Guru takes away things you have, you do not require
            A teacher answers your question
            A guru questions   your answers
            A teacher helps you get off the maze
            A guru destroys the maze
            A teacher requires trust and humility from people
            A teacher clothes you and prepares you for the outer journey
            A Guru stripes you naked and prepares you for the inner journey
            A teacher is a guide on the path
            A Guru is pointer to the  way
            A teacher sends you on the road to success
            A guru sends you on the road to freedom
            A teacher explains the world and its nature to you
            A Guru explains   yourself and your nature to you
            A teacher makes you understand how to move about in the world
            A guru shows you where you stand in relation to the world
            A teacher gives you knowledge and boosts your ego
            A guru takes away your knowledge and punctures your ego
            A teacher instructs you
            A guru constructs you
            A teacher sharpens your mind
            A guru opens your mind
            A teacher shows you the way to prosperity
            A guru shows the way to serenity
            A teacher reaches your mind
            A guru touches your soul
            A teacher gives you knowledge
            A guru makes you wise
            A teacher gives you maturity
            A guru returns you to innocence
            A teacher instructs you on how to solve problems
            A guru shows you how to resolve issues
            A teacher is systematic thinker
            A guru is a lateral thinker
            A teacher will punish you with a stick
            A  Guru will punish you with compassion
            A teacher is to pupil what a father is to son
            A guru to pupil what mother is to her child
            One can always find a teacher
            But a Guru has to find and accept you
            A teacher leads    you by the hand
            A guru leads you by example
            When a teacher finishes with you, you graduate
            When a Guru finishes with you, you celebrate
            When a course is over, you are thankful to the teacher
            When the discourse is over, you are grateful to the Guru

The Obsessive Neurotic

One  of the  most striking  descriptions  of  personally  in neurology  is in  patients  with epilepsy  that arises  from the  temporal  lobes.  The temporal lobes are located on either side of the brain roughly in the area beneath the ears and are the seat of human memory and emotion.  It has been shown  in a number  of studies  that disturbances  in this region  can  result  in striking  behavioral  or cognitive  (memory attention etc) change.

An American neurologist Noramal Geschwind, widely  regard  as the  father of  behavioral  neurology  described  specific  personality  features  in people  with temporal   lobe  epilepsy  These  includes :-

A tendency  to write  copiously  (but not  necessarily  in a creative  way)  and to     keep  voluminous  diaries  (hypergraphia )

A tendency to be overly religious, often in a ritualistic manner, out of keeping with the person’s family/ cultural background (Hyper- religiosity). 
A tendency to have a decreased interest in sexual matters (hypo-sexuality).

A tendency  for anxiety  and obsessionality  to dwell  on minor  matters  and to  experience  difficulty  in terminating social intercourse  (emotional  viscosity  or stickiness).

An increased interested in spiritual or ideational issues in the absence of pragmatic interests.
Turbulent emotions- irritability, agitation, anxiety,   restlessness, paranoia etc. 
 Mood swing commonly spells of depression with occasional elation.    
 Psychotic and quasi psychotic phenomena, transient hallucinations, delusional thinking   
 etc.  Occurring on and off.
These personality  traits  have been  described  mainly  in people  with chronic  temporal  lobe  epilepsy  that failed  to respond  to anti-epileptic  drug therapy.  We must  remember  the vast  majority  of people  with temporal lobe  epilepsy are honest,  conscientious,  sincere  and upright  members  of the community  they live  in, these positive  qualities being  aided  perhaps  by the  personality  traits  described. Only  in a small  proportion  of people,  usually  those  with severe epilepsy  do these  traits  become  severe  and/ or  disabling  in some  way therefore  these are  probably  the behavioral  manifestations  of the  pathology  in the brain  that  most  often  underlies  temporal  lobe  epilepsy,  sclerosis  of a part  of the  temporal  lobe called  the hippocampus

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Terrorism in India


1.         Individual terrorism
2.         Religious fanaticism
3.         Nationalist and separatist terrorism
4.         State sponsored terrorism
5.         International terrorism 


1.         Disgruntlement
2.         Insecurity/sense of injustice
3.         Poverty
4.         Inequality
5.         Repression
6.         Lack of political participation
7.         Unemployment
8.         Propaganda
9.         Poor governance
10.       Corruption

Terrorism in India  

1.         Punjab problem
2.         Militancy in J&K
3.         North Eastern problem
4.         Naxalite   movement
5.         Problem in the South 

Modus Operandi 

1.         Selective killing
2.         Hit list
3.         Kidnapping
4.         Communal disturbances
5.         High jacking of air crafts
6.         Looting of banks and shops
7.         Attack on security forces

Principle of combating terrorism 

1.         Clear political aim and appropriate political programme.
2.         Long term planning
3.         National Development plan
4.         Representation to all level
5.         Political support and favorable political atmosphere
6.         Adherence to law and use of mil force
7.         Intelligence
8.         Security to Vulnerable areas & vulnerable points.
9.         Separate terrorist from their support
10.       External support


1.         Central Government
2.         State Government
3.         Special counter terrorist forces
4.         Para Military forces
5.         Army

Central Government 

1.         Make political inroads into areas prone to hostilities
2.         Declare, Area disturbed when required
3.         Ensure security forces remain a political
4.         Implement social political and economic reforms
5.         Revamp Central Intelligence, adopt unified policy
6.         Establish continuous civil liaison with security forces
7.         Maintain stock of essential commodity
8.         Policy on psychological operations and counter propaganda
9.         Divide levels of decision making 
10.       Revamp para military force to make them more responsive

State Government

1.         Create clean effective and uncorrupted administration
2.         Well equipped and high moralled police forces 
3.         Concerted effort to educate and motivate youth
4.         Create maximum opportunities for gainful employment
5.         Adequate protection to population
6.         Keep civil police apolitical
7.         Revamp and use state intelligence services effectively
8.         Establish liaison with security forces


1.         Framing a comprehensive counter terror doctrine
2.         Building Special Forces capabilities for a long standing unconventional war
3.         Employing better Public Relations.
4.         Enhancing police capabilities
5.         Establishing single counter terrorist command
6.         Having potent military deterrence with Air Force
7.         Having accountable intelligence
8.         Creating a National IT data base on terrorism
9.         Crating website with provision for people to report   on terrorism
10.       Having six monthly regular reviews at the   highest level
11.       Raising diplomatic and political   costs on countries for fermenting terror
12.       Establishing effective surveillance and monitoring Internal and external 
13.       Strengthening law and order to focus on grass root human intelligence
14.      Developing capability for preemptive action, both covert and overt on terrorist leadership based in countries sponsoring terrorism.
15.       Enforcing accountability of the top officials
16.       Modernizing the Armed Forces to respond effectively
17.       Creating a new ministry for Internal Security
18.       Strengthening internal laws with curb on individual liberties
19.       Reviewing and cutting NSG flat by creating separate organization for VIP security
20   Having a charter of duties and accountabilities for all persons leading various   organization   related  to terrorism.