Thursday, May 31, 2012


      1.      Unconscious Incompetency: - At this point, the student is not only incompetent but has absolutely no awareness as to why he is incompetent. He does not know what he does not know.
      2.       Conscious Incompetence: - The learner is still incompetent but is conscious of all he does not know and needs to learn. Awareness is growing. He would be walking up to reality that he is aware of all he did not know and needed to work on.
      3.       Conscious Competence: - Student becomes competent. Yet he still must invest in paying attention to what he is doing. He has not yet reached a level of mastery but there is no doubt he is doing well.
      4.       Unconscious Competence: - Student reaches the level of true mastery of the skill being learned. Someone living at this level is fully engaged in the present moment. He would be wise and awakened.
·         Don’t wait for life. Do not long for it. Be aware, always and every moment that the miracle is in here and now. It takes courage to grow up and become who you truly are.
·         Everyday courage has few witnesses but yours is no less noble because no drum beats before you and no crowds shout your name.
·         Life will bring you pain all by itself you responsibility is to create a joy. Nothing that happens in life has any meaning other than the meaning we attach to it. Pain and suffering only comes from judgment. As we release judgment and stop labeling things as positive and negative and simply accept them as opportunities to evolve into our biggest selves, our life transforms. There really is no such thing as good experience or bad experience. Life just is. Through the way we interpret and process the experiences of life, we shape our reality. Our thoughts from our world.
·         Hard times fuel my growth and make me wiser. The easy straights fill me with joy and seem to be rewards for living in alignment with the natural rules of the game.
·         Life really is short. We need to take daily steps to access the greatness that resides within. Life is a sensational voyage, intended to enjoy.
·         Now I pause before I react. Earlier I’d blame my feelings and reactions on the people or circumstances. Now I take the responsibility and realize it all began with me.
·         Human beings have a .25 seconds window of opportunity between a stimulus and the corresponding response to catch their thinking and make a better choice. It is those .25 seconds one can reshape his behavior and reshape  his life.
·         Constantly confront your resistances. We are caught by what we are running from.
·         Life is growth school, ideally created to give us opportunity to learn each of the lessons we need to learn over the course of our lives. We live on school house earth.
·         Visit the places that frighten you.
·         Within your heart all answers lie, walk towards your fears, and then you’ll learn to fly.
·         Truth Circle: - The circle of life. At the end of your life we return to the place where we first began our journey. A circle speaks of wholeness and integrity. Purpose of life is all about making the journey home to wholeness, back to a place of integrity, back to your authentic self-the one that is fearless, all knowing and of boundless love. Purpose of life is to close the integrity gap.
·         We are born authentic and pure. We are born fearless and with wide open hearts. We are born knowing the natural laws that rule the world and why we are here.
·         Every act of courage, every act of goodness and every act of self-responsibility will have an immediate pay off for you. Each time you do what you know is the right thing and follow your truth rather than the dictates of the crowd, a little more of the mud covering up who you truly are begin to shine. Each time you act with love rather than fear, you become more of who you were meant to be. Every time you reach for your dreams and listen to your heart, you remember a little bit more of who you are.
·         Spending time alone in silence everyday is a tool that will help you awaken and reclaim your authentic power.
·         There is so much to learn in so little time. Everything is in transition. By learning from many different sources you are playing the role of good student.
·         Asking the right question is often ninety percent of finding the right answer
·         We never get more than we can handle. You will never receive more knowledge or truth than you are ready for.
·         Learning what others think will help you to figure out what you really think. But don’t make the mistake of believing that the truth of another person is necessarily you own truth.  But be too much of a follower. Be a leader. Leaders go where no one has gone and blaze their own path.
·         As you move on the path of self-mastery, you will develop your own philosophy. You will select the truth of others that resonate with the deepest part of you. You will discard the ideas that fail to make sense. In doing so you will forge your own authentic code and constitution for living your biggest life. That’s my definition of success living your life in your own way.
·         More you can feel your feelings, more they will complete themselves within you. Feelings are like rain storms. They have a beginning, middle and an end. As you complete each one of your feelings, whether those feelings are of anger, sadness, resentment or disappointment. You will more through the layers to remember the golden Buddha with in you.
·         The process by which nature or the universe or God or Infinite intelligence the source of all creations prods you to close your Integrity gap is known as ‘recycling’. Recycling is a term that explains how much of life works.
·         More you resist the designated lesson; the stronger, more intense and more painfully it will revisit you. Nature wants you to close the integrity gap.
·         Wake up and live a conscious life by assuming responsibility for your healing and growth, you will learn the designated lesson and move closer to your true self. As you accept, instead of resist your lessons and learning, the gap will close and life will get better.

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