Thursday, May 31, 2012


·         Mind
·         Body
·         Emotion and
·         Spirit
       Leadership is the journey. All about closing the integrity gap. Integrity means wholeness. Wholeness is       reflected by a circle. The purpose of life is to return the wholeness.
·         First Awakening “Awakening of mind”:- Can also be done by journaling and by being silent. It’s all about accumulation, knowledge, learning and being conscious of the higher choices avoidable to you. This is an intellectual work that needs to be done by a student on the spiritual path.
·         Second Awakening “Awakening of body “:- A healthy mind without a healthy body reflects no integrity. Regular exercise, a superb diet, sunlight massage, fresh air, plenty of water, vitamins and supplements, reicki, yoga etc… does the healing of the body. Making sure that your physical dimensions is in wonderful condition.  
·         .Third Awaking “Awakening of Emotions “:- Process through your anger that you have been carrying through life. You must forgive all people who have wounded and hurt you. Forgiveness is something you do for yourself. When you have not forgiven someone, it is like carrying that person on your back. Once you forgive them, you release them and move on with life. Forgiving someone is different from condoning his/her behavior. Forgiving them is simply seeing that people in pain do painful things. People who hurt other people have themselves been hurt. People who do not love themselves cannot show love on others. People who do not have any self respect have no idea to give respect to others
·          Fourth Awakening “Awakening of Spirit”:- when we awaken the spirit we realize our highest self. This looks different to different people. To some the spirit may involve prayer or talking to God. For others, caring for the spirit may be reflected by communing with nature or listening to music. For yet others, it involves service, volunteerism and living for a crusade lager than oneself.
·         Begin the process of awakening all for of your core dimensions at the same time.
·         If you do not act on life. Life will act on you. The days will slip into weeks and weeks into moths. Before you know it, your life will be over. Do not let the brilliant and beautiful treasure of your life slip away.
·         Life is short and you don’t know when it is going to end. The key is to play your highest game and to live your greatest possibility now. Wise people remind themselves that every day could be their last. They make their commitment to be love rather than fear during the hours of their day. Each day is an opportunity to make a need not act on us. Life is a beautiful tapestry that has been perfectly woven together. We often do not receive what we want but we always receive what we need. We always get what’s in our highest interest.
·         A dreamer is one who can only find his way by moonlight and his punishment is that he sees the dawn before the rest of world.
·         Small doubt small enlightenment. Great doubt great enlightenment.
·         In a dark time, the eye begins to see.
·         The heroic life is living the individual adventure. To refuse the call means stagnation.
·         The beauty of the soul shines out when a person bears composure one mischance after another, not that because he does not feel them out because he is one of high and heroic temper.
·         Confusion always gives way to clarity and chases eventually resulting in confidence. Take responsibility of the mistakes that you have made in the past.
·         When we know better, we can do better.
·         People in pain do painful things. People in fear act in fearful ways. They need more forgiveness not anger.
·         When you focus on what you don’t want in your life, you actually block what you do want from entering.
·         Focus on what you don’t want and you will get more of it. The world is a mirror.
·         If you don’t have conversation with ourselves how can we get to know ourselves…? And the deeper we know ourself, the more we can make authentic choices to make the leadership journey back to the place that we have always known, at our core, we wanted to be. Know thyself and you will know the universe and Gods.
·         The risk is to live. You are so afraid to live, so afraid of life itself that you have given up the very nature of your being in trade for security.
·         What the caterpillar sees as the end of the world the master sees as the butterfly.
·         Growth sometimes comes in difficult ways. But growth is always good. The way to our dreams can only be found with one foot in eternity and other on shaky ground.
·         If you look down at your life from a fifty thousand foot perspective, everything that’s happening is very beautiful.
·         The laws of nature explain the laws of life. A caterpillar cannot remain in the cocoon forever. A butterfly must emerge when the time is right.
·         There is no coming to consciousness without pain.
·         Only those who will risk going too far can possibly find out how far one can go.
·         Questioning everything means you are no longer taking the status quo as truth. You are no longer the sheep blindly following the flock. You are waking up and growing. That’s what the leaders do. They leave the crowd once and for all and create their own paths.
·         When the baby comes down the birth canal, there is tremendous pain involved. But the baby and mother do not give up. They persist through the translation phase, knowing that the outcome will be a miracle.
·         I saw a grief drinking a cup of sorrow out. It tastes sweet, dos it not…? You have caught me, grief answered and you have ruined my business. How can I sell sorrow when you know it’s a blessing? Your sorrow is, in truth, a blessing It is shaping and awakening you.
·         Conversation deepens conviction. More you can converse about the things that you want to become; the more you will be able to dedicate yourself to doing what needs to be done.
·         Happiness is an inside job. It is not about chasing greater net worth, it’s about cultivating a greater self-worth. Its not about having more money but about finding more meaning. It’s not about only being successful but about being truly significant. A person who creates lasting value in the world.
·         If there is something great in you, it will not appear on your first call. It will not appear and come to you easily, without any work and effort.
·         We attract in our lives not what we want but who we are.
·         The process of life should be the birth of a soul. This is the highest alchemy, and this justifies our presence on earth. This is your calling and our virtue.
·         To eliminate hatred in the world we must first eliminate any hatred we carry within ourselves.
·         Hero or the seeker always faces some trail or adversity just before he gets the prize, the life he has always desired. There are two reasons that nature sends a trail. First, it comes to ensure that the seeker has learned and fully integrated all the lessons he was meant to learn in his life time. And second, it comes to test the resolve of the seeker.
·          Most people give up just before they reach their dreams. Most people quit only steps away from getting everything they wanted.
·         Adversity calls forth the soul’s encourage to bear unflinchingly whatever heavens sends. You must never ever give up when a trial presents itself on the path. Before your greatest victory, you will face your greatest challenge.
·         I wake up each morning with a splendid feeling of joy and boundless energy, eager to go out into the world and make something of the gifts and talents that have been granted to me.
·         Everyone has goodness within them. When people act in mean or hurtful ways don’t make the mistake of behaving that what you are seeing is an accurate representation of who they truly are. No one is bad at their core; they just began in bad ways. You need not to remain around people who mistreat you. You must set boundaries and protect yourself. You shouldn’t all for the illusion that there is such a thing as a bad human being. Those who do hurtful or vicious acts have badly and viscously hurt by others.
·         People who act in a harsh ways are acting out the patterns and ways of behaving that they picked up in childhood in an effort to cope and survive in the world. They do not know any better.
·         Life is a game. Don’t take it too seriously. Have fun. Dance. Laugh. Maintain a healthy dose of perspective.
·         There are no great acts, only small acts done with great love.
·         Maturity as human being is loving, what you have rather than worrying too much about having what love.
·         Please give me the strength to be of greatest service. Helping others is get to their dreams is when viewed from this frame of reference, a great gift you give yourself.
·         Life is co-creative process. Do your best. Chase your dreams. Open your heart. Do your internal work. Take lots of action. Get up early and be disciplined do whatever possible for you to do to close the integrity gap. Stop recycling and realize the four awakenings, then and only then let go and accept what comes, knowing that it is what’s best for you.
·         Wisdom without execution is worthless.

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