Thursday, May 31, 2012


1.       Devote yourself to rising at 5 am: - Those who get up early are those who get the best from life.
2.       Devote yourself to setting aside the first sixty minutes of your day as your  “Holy Hour”
·         Read from wisdom literature.
·         Contemplate and pray
·         Reflect on the state of yourself.
3.       Devote yourself to displaying a standard of care, compassion and character well beyond what anyone can imagine from you.
4.       Devote yourself to displaying a standard of excellence at work for higher than anyone would ever expect from you.
5.       Devote yourself to being the most loving person you know and thinking, feeling and acting as though you are one of the greatest people currently on the planet.
·         Our fears are straw monsters. If we deny them, they remain in the basement, secretly sabotaging our lives and keep us running away from our dreams. But if we confront them, by inviting these scary monsters upstairs for a cup of tea, if we get to know them, we realize they were so much smaller than we first thought.
·         What we resist will persist. What we befriend we inevitably will transcend.
·         No matter how wonderful, no life is free of problems and challenges. The only individual without any problems are those in their graves. It is the existence of challenges and problems that makes us bigger, stronger and wiser. We can run from them and become bitter, complaining that life is bitter and hard, or we can embrace them and become better.
·         The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of confidence, but where he stands at the times of challenge and controversy.
·         Nothing like having some discipline in your life to make it big and beautiful one.
·         Human beings always feel fear when they leave their areas of comfort but it is only within realm of the unknown that new lives. Nothing new lives within the realm of the known, because if it did, it wouldn’t be new.
·         To be loved and to fit into crowd must be the aim of life.
·         You must process through the sadness. You must work through the hurts that you have been carrying and the ancient wounds that have been fastening within the subconscious part of you.
·         People will show up in your life at prefect times, almost as if they are angels sent to help you get whatever it is you want.

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