Thursday, June 13, 2013

History of the Future

Life does not follow logic. It is irrational. If it was rational, mathematical and logical, then you could not give more than twenty years to life on earth. There are five reasons for this:-

Pulled up nuclear weapons.
Everybody is not Jesus Christ. Not going to be resurrected again.
Population growth.
AIDS, spreading like wild fire.
Collapse of ecology.
Discrimination among humanity.

Humanity is divided by religions, by nations, by color, by race and they are at each other’s throats. It is impossible to avoid danger never faced before, unless a miracle happens. But miracles happen only in stories, not in real life. If there is going be a world war, it is going to be a push button war. And the whole world goes into the month of death. Nobody is going to win and nobody is going to be defeated. This is the right time to create a “History of the future” because after twenty years there will be nobody to write it and nobody to print it and nobody to read it.

Politicians are the lowest kind of people as far as consciousness is concerned they are clever, they are cunning, they are mean too and they make every effort for a single goal, “How to be more powerful & rich”. Those Bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki were not meant just to defeat Japan. Their basic purpose was totally different, an ego fulfillment for President Truman. I am the greatest; the most powerful man in the whole world and my nation has come to the top. This has been happening again and again.

What is happening has happened and is going to happen, is the natural outcome of this idea of a creator. Ordinary human being, the average man needs dreams because life in really is so much unsatisfactory, so ugly, so stinkingly ugly. Those dreams substitute for it. They are beautiful. They bring fragrance in life, hope, fiction. They help you to remain sane. The reality will drive you insane.

Politicians and priests have been constantly in conspiracy, working together hand in hand. The politicians has the political power, the priests has the religious power. The politicians protects the priests, the priests blesses the politicians, the masses are exploited, sucked, their blood is sucked by bolts.
To be a successful politicians you have to be absolutely unintelligent, fanatic, lying, promising continuously knowing perfectly well that no promises are going to be fulfilled cheating, using beautiful words and hiding ugly realities. Their faces are all masks. They say one thing, they do another thing.

Individuals have not committed great crimes. It is always crowds which commit great crimes because in the crowd, no individual feels, “I am responsible for what is happening”. He thinks I am just being with the people, individually when you commit something you have to think three times before committing it.  “What are you doing”? “Is it right”.?

Anguish is not an ordinary date of anxiety. Anxiety is always centered upon a problem you don’t have money there is anxiety you don’t have enough clothes and the cold is coming you have a certain anxiety you are sick and you don’t have medicine and there is anxiety. Anxiety is about a certain problem. In anguish only one thing seems to be there, some how to get out of this circle of life, hence suicide and the increasing rate of suicide.

Accept that you are alone, born alone and you will die alone. Accept the fact that you are living alone, may be in a crowd but you are living alone. May be with your wife, girlfriend and boy friend. They are alone in their aloneness don’t touch each other, never touch each other you may live with someone for twenty years, thirty years, fifty years. It makes no difference, you will remain strangers. Accept the fact that we all are strangers, I don’t know who you are and you don’t know who nobody knows you, not even, you so you don’t expect that anybody else should know you. It is not possible in the very nature of things.

We are strangers. We have met by change and we are together but our aloneness is there. Don’t forget. From there is your redemptions your salvation. But you are doing just the opposite, how to forget your aloneness? The boy friend, the girl friend go to the movie, the football match get lost in the crowd; dance in the disco, forget yourself, drink, alcohol, drugs but somehow don’t let this aloneness come to your conscious mind. Their lies whole secret. You are escaping from yourself. Then there will be misery, there will be problem and in solving one problem, you will create ten more. Soon these will be only problems surrounding you and you will drown in your own problems.

Life has become the blind following blind leaders and priests. They are all going in circles and everybody believes there the man ahead of him in capable of seeing and same is the case with the man ahead. He is holding somebody else coat or shirt, believing that he knows where he is going and they are moving in circles. Nobody is going anywhere. The followers are following the leaders, the leader is following the followers.  You have stop and come out of the stupid game of followers and leaders you have just to be yourself and remember that you are born alone and you will die alone. So aloneness is your reality.

Anybody In India can become the President. All citizens are equal what nonsense. No two citizens are equal and only the most cunning is going to become the President not everybody at least not those who would have been of any help to anybody. Only the ambitions people can reach the highest political post in any country, because it is a race and you need to be utterly ambitions to stake everything on it. You cannot be bothered about what you are doing; whether it is right or wrong you have to keep the end in the mind and do whatever you feel is right to reach the end. If you fail, everything is wrong. If you succeed, everything in right. Success is right and failure is wrong.   

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