Friday, May 3, 2013

Quality of Life

Key to quality of life is the quality of your relationships.
Principles of agriculture apply equality to human culture.
Motives & mean do matter.
Things can’t be done over a weekend.
Quick, easy, free& fun approach won’t work on the “farm” because they were subject to natural laws and governing principals.
Natural laws based on principals, operate regardless of our awareness of them or our obedience to them.
Can you go two weeks without milking the cow and then get out these and milk like crazy?

Prepare the ground.
Put the seed.
Cultivate it.
Weed it.
Nurture growth to full maturity.
The law of the farm is applicable in a marriage in helping a teenager through a difficult identity crisis. There is no quick fix.

Principles are not invented by us or society. They are the laws of universe. They are part of human relationships, human organizations, human conditions, consciousness and conscience.
Basic principles like fairness, equality, justice, integrity, honesty and trust.
People trust those character & competence are founded upon correct principles because trust is related to trust worthiness overtime.
Most people prefer to work on their appearance or personality not on their character?
Appearance or personality involves learning a new skill, style or image, but character involves changing habits, developing virtues, disciplining appetites and passions, keeping promises and being considerate of the feeding and convections of others.
Character development is the true test and manifestation of our maturity.
To value oneself and yet subordinate oneself to higher purposes and principles is the essence of highest humanity and foundation of effective leadership.
To focus on personality before character is to try to grow the tree without the roots-we can’t have fruits without the roots.
Private victory precedes public victory.
Self-mastery and self-discipline are the character roots of good relationships with others.
We may have the “rights” rhetoric, style and even intention but without trust we won’t achieve much.
One may make favorable first impressions through charm, may win through intimidation, but secondary personality trusts alone have little worth in long term relationships. True motive eventually surface.
It is the character that communicates more eloquently.


Keeping meaningful promises & commitments.
Without integrity our words become meaningless.

If a person can express his or her feeling and convictions with courage balanced with consideration for the feelings and convections of another person, he or she is mature.
If a person lacks internal maturity and emotional strength, he or she might try to borrow strength from position, power, credentials, seniority or affiliations.

Idea that there is plenty out there for everybody.
This result is sharing recognition, profits and responsibility.
Opens up creative new options and alternatives.
 It turns personal joy and fulfillment outward.
It recognizes unlimited possibilities for positive interaction, growth and development.
As we give grace to others, we receive more grace ourselves.


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