Thursday, April 12, 2012


·         Who is there who can make muddy waters clear? But if allowed to remain still, it will gradually clear itself.
·         If you want to know or find yourself, there is no substitute to self-study.
·         Self-study is what leads to coming to know ourselves as we truly are. It is the only way we become familiar with the thought self & its many feeling TPIC’s.
·         Self-study is how we begin empowering our self not to just automatically go where every TPIC (Temporary person in charge) would lead us. It allows us to hear and heed that still small voice within us which not only corrects your life course but connects to ever higher and happier experiences along the way.
·         Reading certain inner life books or listening to lecturers on self-transformation, these materials, as encouraging and informative as they may be, are really only preparational tools and they have their place. This however, cannot raise you one inch above the valley floor to bring you any closer to the mountain top. There is one way to reach the peak: you yourself must make the climb.
·         Self-study is personal individual work that sincere seekers must do for themselves. For more intricate  and at least as rigorous as trying to scale  real mountain.
1.       Honestly observing others.
2.       Actively meeting each moment of life.
3.       Living from a new centre of gravity in ourselves.
4.       Taking small definite steps into personally challenging situations.
5.       Being willing to step outside some TPIC’s point of view.
6.       Suspending negative emotional reactions long enough to learn something about their real origin.

·         Money, relationships and good fortune cannot guarantee future happiness or inner contentment. Even if all these desires are fulfilled, they do nothing to expand the restricted world of our self. These trappings only tighten the secret grasp of the thought self. If we do, what we call spiritual work for these “Selfish reasons, we simply remain in our tiny world, seeking the ends that world calls valuable. The only way out of that world is through self-study.

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