Thursday, April 12, 2012


·         The most critical factor in determining what we find is where we place our attention. We always place our attention on what we LOVE.
·         If we don’t undergo the changes within in ourselves that we say we desire, it’s because we are not awrae to those unfolding opportunities. In other words our attention is on someone else.
·         As long as we remain unaware of just how venerable we are to negative influences while asleep to ourselves, it seems easier to just remain in this psyche slumber.
·         We must not fall under the power of these deceptive voices coming to us from within our own minds. We must refuse to accept that the weakness any TPIC claims as being ours is the same as our own.
·         When it comes to defeating the intimate enemy, “Tomorrow’s victory never comes. Now is always the only time there is. “
·         Our resolve to live a real life is further strengthened when self-study reveals that at any moment we’re not consciously in command of ourself, something mechanical is in charge of us. In such a state of psychic sleep. We’re vulnerable to be taken over by whatever TPIC may appear to run the show.

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