Thursday, April 12, 2012


·         Fear is dark.  Anger is dark. So is anxiety, dared, self-pity and feeling the whole weight of the world upon our shoulders. Add to this list the dark horses of hatred, revenge, insistence or being right, impatience and depression and you have most of those negative states which, if not outright trampling us under their heartless hooves, are certainly sources of unconscious torment.
·         You can be sure you’ve taken the wrong horse and carriage whenever your inner state has you feeling :-
1.       Like you have lost control.
2.       Frightened by what you see.
3.       Angry with yourself or another.
4.       Confused or anxious about where you’re headed.
5.       Pained in your present condition.
6.       Hatred or resentment for someone else.
7.       Sorry you were even born.
8.       Envious of anyone.
9.       Desperate for a solution
10.   Certain nothing else counts besides fixing how you feel

·         If we were aware of what we were doing, nothing on earth could convince us to hop on what is hurting us.
·         This Royal power to discern dark horses from right ones is already yours but to wield it, there is a key, a secret step that must be taken. This higher power to choose what will carry us and what wont is only as powerful as our willingness to come to a special kind of psyche pause , an inner halt. Momentarily anchoring ourselves in the fully present moment, we bring our own thoughts and feelings into the light of consciousness to see them for what they are.
·         The proof of the horse is in the ride.
·         To make real inner progress, get spiritually reckless. Avoid nothing. Let whatever shaking you must do be your waking. And listen to me, you don’t have to be strong; you just have to be tired of trembling before life. The only way to defeat the intimate enemy is by deliberately stepping into its domain armed with light of reality.

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