Thursday, April 12, 2012


·         When we seek the truth, we think we are far from it. When we discover that the truth is already in us, we are all at once our original self.
·         The pain we feel at any time, no matter what we believe to be the cause , is dice only to the fact that we are indeed cut off from knowing our connections with the true source of our own lives.
·         All the doors that lead inwards to the secret place of the next high are doors outward, out of the self-out of smallness –out of wrong.
·         We all are experts on the topic of ourselves and given the smallest opening we well turn everything into an opportunity to expound on that topic. People do not talk to one another, they talk to themselves. When other twists there that topic to their own needs, the originator of the topic gets irritated. And each time people turn the topic to themselves or feel annoyed because the topic has been turned away them, they cut themselves off.
·         It is usually TPIC’s who converse and not individuals genuinely interacting with one another. There is rarely any real communication. The word communication has as its root “commune” which can be understood as non-interfering, inter relating energies.
·         We mistakenly believe that we’re cut off from a feeling of approval, or a feeling of well being we could drive from possessing things. We compound the error by believing that if we could just fill in the gap we would feel right ourselves.

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