Thursday, April 12, 2012


·         There is more to reality than meets the eye. There is more to reality then meets the I.
·         Those experiences that we habitually see as our “normal” lives exist within an already larger universe that is largely unseen, learning to stay awake within ourselves is the same as having the opportunity to glimpse a new and expanded reality whose new view naturally lifts us up and out for our presently limited ideas about who we are.
·         We see virtually nothing other than what the false self of the moment wants for us to see. “Been there-Done that “syndrome.
·         The new car, the new relationship, the trip, the beautiful day, the enjoyment of all is marred through by the unconscious reaction that ‘I’ have been through that. People go to extremes seeking new thrills, believing the spontaneity and real pleasure they seek will be found in the next activity. They never realize that no matter what they do it can never be new, because that which experiences the event within them is mechanical and old, twisting everything new into what has already been.
·         By contrast, in real life, everything is original. Even moment is an original moment. We can only be happy when we live in the first person.

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