Thursday, October 31, 2013

suggestions to move the world of Possibilty

1.         Give yourself one goal each day
2.         Make time for at least one period of at least 20 minutes of total relaxation each day
3.         Always look at a problem from at least three points of views
4.         Make a note of every day what surprises you.
5.         Try to surprise someone you work with every day
6.         Visualize problems and write them down always 
7.         Use all your senses
8.         Use music somehow everyday in your life
9.         Make sure you become absorbed for an hour or more or at least one hour every day you get deeply involved in something creative.
10.       If you use brain storming, focus on what you do in the last five minutes
11.       Hold some meeting standing up.
12.       Send fewer group mails
13.       Make a point of speaking in person to at least one person you were planning to email everyday
14.       Make sure someone visits another organization to learn from them every week of the year.
15.       Visit another organization yourself at least once a month
16.       Ask “lay consultants” to work with you   on some projects.
17        Get your family to help you with difficult work problems from time to time
18.       Break established patterns from time to time
19.       Take a 20 minutes’ walk every day.
20.       Pay for staff to have a drink with each other once every month.
21.       Put the “S” back into Day, make it Days: one day is not enough
22.       Reinvent yourself at least once a year.
23.       Be happy to say that you will “sleep on it “   

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Ten Things to do When you are Really Confused

Stay calm

Be true to yourself and remind yourself of your original objectives

Think of three different ways of approaching the situation and
see if one of them is helpful.

Imagine what a theoretical person or a practical person (whenever
you are less of) would do in a situation.

Go and watch carefully while someone else tackles the same issue and
learn from them.  Remember it is not cheating but a sign of intelligence
to imitate others

 Find out what experts in the field do in this situation by telephoning  
 them, emailing them or looking it up in a book.

 Ask someone  who apparently  knows nothing  about  the details  
of what  you are  doing  but who may inject some common  sense
advise or get  you thinking  differently

Search for guidance on the internet

Coma back to the problem at a different time of day

Ponder whether  it is the right  thing  to be  continuing  with  your  learning,
occasionally it will be smarter  to reflect  on what  you have  learned and do
something else    

Monday, October 28, 2013

Ten Things to do When Learning gets Difficult

Stop what you are doing and have a complete break.

Think back to what you did the last time you got stuck like this

Make a map or list in which you outline what your options are

Talk to a friend about it to ask them what they would do

Use a book to help you find a way through 

Use the internet to help you discover an answer

Take some exercise and see if a solution comes to you

Leave it, go to bed, tell yourself before you go to sleep that you will find a way through the problem

Try doing whatever you are doing in a completely different location.

Think of as many question as you can which if answered might help you to work  things out.

Simple Ideas to Relearn Your Adventurous Spirit

Ask your partner or a friend to arrange an evening out with you doing something of their choice, when all you know is what time you need to meet up.

Try a different mode of transport to get to work for a day

Go to a concert of a kind of music that you don’t normally listen to.

Organize a visit to a business that is a apparently nothing like yours and make a note of what you could learn for your place of work

Simple Things to Improve Your Persistance

Set a clear objective for the session and try not to stop until you have achieved it.  But be prepared to stop if you discover something you had not anticipated and rethink your objective.

Make sure you have  a message   on your  mobile  phone  and email that  lets people  know that  you will  not be replying  to them  for duration  of your learning.   Turn off all telephones.

Make sure there are no distracting noises around you

If you start to day dream, get up and walk around

If you are hungry, have a sensible snack and drink some water

Have a list of all  your normal  displacement  activities, easy, irrelevant and not  urgent  and  ration yourself  carefully  over the  way you indulge  in them.

Tell your colleagues, friends  and family that  if you try  to get  them  to divert you   from  your chosen  learning  activity, they are  to tell you to “ get on with it “ and to go back to concentrating  on the task  in hand.