Thursday, April 12, 2012

How to Release Youeself from Yourself

      By performing any of these, we increase our opportunities for seeing what it means to live in the first person:-
1.       Look for and enter into unfamiliar conditions that have the power to challenge you psychologically or emotionally.
2.       Sit quietly for yourself, secluded from all forms of stimulation. Don’t let yourself go to sleep. Don’t even meditate. Simply sit there with nothing familiar to do or hang on to and become aware of how something inside of you keeps telling you to do something or tries to pull you off on one thought path or another.
3.       Deliberately drop one cherished idea and meet life without it. Refuse to judge others behavior. Drop all expectations and demands regarding other people’s behavior. Simply observe and make no personalized judgments as to the value or meaning of their actions. This way every interaction becomes a first person experience and the effect of this on all your relationships may surprise you.
4.       Attempt to spend one whole day when the only time you speak is when spoken to our conversations has always been self-sensing. We also become aware of other people whom we now really listen to for perhaps the first time.
5.       If you have a task to do that can be completed in five steps or one, take the longer way. 

1 comment:

  1. #5 I find myself doing all too often which is the unfortunate over procedural ness of nursing and healthcare in America.
    #4 The power of silence to really hear another's point of view is quite astonishing.
    #3 Dont think I have what it takes to honestly do this one. Reminds me of giving up chocolate for lent or fasting. While I don't over indulge or live life in excess I would be hard pressed to give up my cherished ideas.
    #2 very true and an interesting self realization exercise.
    #1. I just did by reading your blog thoughtfully! Thank you Sir for stimulating my mind today!
