Thursday, April 11, 2013


Mature persons have a sincere desire to be productive and to give of that productivity to others. They desire to create and share their creations. They accept their lives and work with satisfaction and joy. They put their talents into each endeavors and their imagination into recreating their lives each day. The mature artists of life are spontaneous, accepting, flexible, receptive to new experience and suspicious of reality. They are harmonious with external force but autonomous, busy with the processes of inventing their own lives. They see existence as a series of choices, the selection of which they must determine and for which they are singularly responsible.

Mature persons have a deep spiritual sense in terms of there relationship with nature and other persons, and recognize the continual wonder of life and living. They make full use of their potentialities, accept themselves as part of great mystery of life, and share there love, joy & wisdom in an open, non-exploitative responsible fashion.

Fully functioning, mature persons are continually growing, for they realize that maturity is not a goal, but rather a process; that the essence of maturity lies in creative and responsible choice. They have a flexible but nonconformist essence of identity, an accepting and vivid sense of who they are, what they can be and where their power lies.

Fundamental to the mature person is the ability to form deep, intimate meaningful relationship that is based upon an “unconditional regar” for the uniqueness of others. Mature people are affectionate loving and sexually responsive. They are sociable, have friends and a sense of community. They are productive workers and dedicated to their labors. They embrace change for the improvement of themselves and others, as well as of the society in which they live. They are self-determined, inventive, good humored and comfortable in their world, with themselves and with others.            

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