Friday, November 29, 2013

Quotes from my Yesterday's Lecture

If you can dream it, you can do it (Walt Disney)

When there’s an elephant in the room, introduce it.  We cannot  change  the card we  are dealt  with, we can  just concentrate on  how  we play   the  hand .  How we respond.

Never make a decision until you have to.  Even if you are in position of strength, weather at work or in relationship.  I had to  play fair  just  because  you are  in a driver’s seat, doesn’t  mean you have  to run  people over.

When you are screwing  up and  nobody  says  anything  to you  any more, that  means  they  have given up on you.

If I work hard  enough , there will be  things  I can do  tomorrow  that I can’t  do today

Work hard, whenever you feel like quitting, forcing yourself to be better.

When we send out  kids  to play  organized  sports, football, soccer, swimming , whatever for most  of us , it’s not because  we are  desperate  for them  to learn  the intricacies of the sport.  What we  really  want  them to  learn is far more  important : team work, an  ability  to deal  with  adversity.  This is the indirect learning sometimes called “lead fake”.

Never buy anything for the purposes of impressing   other people or any kind of luxury for themselves.

Tenacity is virtue.

The brick walls are there for a reason.  They are not there to keep us out.  The brick walls are there to give us a chance to show how badly we want something.

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