Monday, February 13, 2012



1. When the pain comes, we are not to think of about it as we always do. Instead we are to do something different and that is to say, " I don't understand the pain ". If you are willing to say " I don't understand anything at all about in its place will be the insight from the heaven itself. This method works by changing our fundamental relationship with both the pain and the truth that can set us free from it.

2. My true being, the essence of my nature, myself, remains inviolate and inaccessible to the word's attack.

3. Truth tells us, " Resist no evil. " Instead of battling life's storms, place your attention and effort where they come work for your true best interests.

3. Stop fighting the strom, Instead, seek to understand it. Remember the ultimate principle " This too shall pass".

4. The person who understands why all this things must pass and why their passing need leave behind no painful wound can truly live in higher world.

5.  If we separate the facts from what we perceive as a things power, we are on the way to freeing our self form all the things that bother us.

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