Monday, May 27, 2013

Stress of Leadreship

In stress power motives are aroused, the body reacts by secreting more adrenaline and noradrenalin, the body’s stress hormones. This leads to higher blood pressure getting the individual ready for action. At the same time body secrets stress hormone cortisol which is longer lasting then adrenaline which interfere with new learning.

Cultivating special relationships whose sole purpose is to help you along your path is crucial to continuing development.


A coach will understand the leaders dilemmas from multiple perspectives, the individual level (what’s going on for the person), the team level (the group dynamics) and the organizational level (how all of this fits with culture, systems and strategy).


Even groups comprising brilliant individuals will make bad decisions if the group disintegrates into bickering, inter personal rivalry or power plays.

Groups are smarter then individuals only when they exhibit the qualities of emotional intelligence.

It is always the group leader who sets the tone and helps to create the group emotional reality, “how it feels to be part of the team”.

Mature group leaders know how to balance a team’s focus on the task at hand with attention to the relationships among the team members. They create a friendly cooperative climate in the room, a climate that fosters a positive outlook on the future.

A group leader who isn’t emotionally intelligent can wreak havoc in a team situation.

One of the biggest mistakes leaders can make ignoring the realities of team ground rules and the collective emotions in the tribe and assuming that the force of their leadership alone is enough to drive people’s behavior.

Collective emotional intelligence is what sets top performing teams apart from average teams.

Group EI, determine a teams ability to manage its emotions in a way that cultivates trust, group identify and group efficiency and so maximize cooperation, collaborations and effectiveness.


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