Wednesday, March 7, 2012


You cannot prevent the birds of sadness from flying over your head, but you can keep them from building nests in your hair
1.   NEGATIVITY IS OPPOSITION:   Life is not divided up into good and bad any more than the ocean is for or against its own value.

2.   LIFE IS WHOLE, AND IT’S ALL GOOD:  The events in life are reflections of broader pattern that are beyond our ability to see. When bad things seem to happen, it is not that the event is bad of itself. It is that we do not see the wholeness and instead judge the event from our own limited and divided point of view. The negativity produced by our own judgment hurts us and keeps us from experiencing the good.

3.  EVERYTIME WE ACCEPT A NEGATIVE STATE WE COMPROMISE OURSELVES AND INCREASE THE LEVEL OF CONFLICT FOR OURSELVES & EVERYONE WE MEET:  How much effort do we go to in order to make ourselves look good to others ? Do we ever think about what the expression on our face says about us?

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