Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Celibacy a Freak of Civilization

Taking simple natural and biological view point implies two conflicts.  First, the conflict between individualism and the family, Second, a deeper conflict between the sterile philosophy of the intellect and the warmer philosophy of the instinct.  A man believing in individualism and carrying to its logical consequences can still be a very intelligent being but a man believing in the cold head as against the warm heart is a fool.

Man cannot live alone in the world and be happy, but associate himself with a group around him and greater than himself.  Man’s self is not limited by his bodily proportions, for there is a greater self which extends as far as his mental and social activities go.  The real life that means anything to a man is never co-extensive with his country or his age, but consists in that smaller circle of his acquaintances and activities which we call the “greater self”.

The young should learn to be filial in the home and respectful in society.  They should be conscientious and honest and love all people and associate with the kindly gentlemen.  If after acting on these percepts, they have energy left, let them read books.

Nature has endowed women with too powerful a material instinct for it to be easily put out of the way by an artificial civilization.  Nature conceives of woman chiefly as a mother, even more than as a mate, and has endowed her with mental and moral characteristics which are conducive to her role as mother, and which find their true explanation and unity in the maternal instinct – realism, judgement, patience with details, love of the small and helpless, desire to take care of somebody, strong animal love and hatred, great personal and emotional bias and a generally person outlook on things.

We are concerned only with the question, “How to live a happy life?” No ones life can be happy unless beyond the superficial attainments of the external life, the deeper springs of his or her character are touched and find a normal outlet.  Celibacy as an ideal on the form of “personal career” carries with it not only an individualistic, but also a foolishly intellectualistic taint, and is for the latter reason to be condemned.

This spectacle of individualism, unmarried and childless, trying to find a substitute for a full and satisfying life in “careers” and personal achievements and preventing cruelty to animals has struck me always as some what foolish and comical.

Successful politicians have thrown up politics, successful editors have thrown up magazine work, successful aviators have given up flying, and successful boxers have given up ring.  Successful actors and actresses have given up stage.  But imagine mothers, successful or unsuccessful giving up motherhood.  It is unheard of.  The mother has a feeling that she is wanted she has found a place in life, and has the deep conviction more profound than Hitler’s that he must save country.

The chance of finding real happiness is surer and greater for a woman if she is engaged as a mother rather than as an architect, since nature never fails?  Is it not true that marriage is that best profession for women?

We have incompetent department’s chiefs, incompetent business managers, incompetent bankers, and incompetent presidents but we rarely have incompetent mothers.

The ideal woman for me is one who loves her cosmetics along with her mathematics, and who is more feminine than feminist.

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