Sunday, February 23, 2014

Tolerance has a Limit in the Workplace

Tolerance is a virtue that can provide momentum to our growth.  But too much of it is disruptive to the work place.

No two people can agree always or on everything there will be difference of opinion.  Success is celebration of these differences.

Individuals have to learn to tolerate and tackle differences to grow and also support peers, teams and organization in their pursuits.

Too much of good thing becomes a bad thing.  Too much tolerance means allowing bad things.

Drawing the line between the tolerance and intolerance is subjective but is essential.

We should not criticize others for being different but at the same time, we need not change our opinion or transform ourselves.

If a colleague prefer to work late hour, we need to follow him.  If his action /decision can affect others it should not be left unheeded/ignored.

Steps to deal with such Individuals

Explain him the issue and possible repercussions.

Explore options if he refuses to mend his ways.

When all options fail, take up with your superiors.

If higher authorities do not take it seriously, restrain from
further taking up with them.

Deal with the issue at personal level.


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