Thursday, April 10, 2014

Impossible Politicians

Doctors look at the test results which are completely at odds with what they believe the actual illness to be, and must then decide whether to trust science or their hearts.  They learn with time and experience to give more weight to their instinct and they find that the outcomes for their patients improve.

Successful businessmen prove over graphs and diagrams then go completely against the market trend and grow still richer.

Artists write books or films about which everyone says” that won’t work.  No one is interested in things like that and end up becoming icons of popular culture.
Religious leaders preach fear and guilt rather than love, which should in theory, is the most important thing in the world and their congregations swell.

Only one group consistently fails against the current trend.  Politicians they want to please everyone and stick rigidly to the rules of political correctness.  They end up having to resign, apologies or contradict themselves.

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