the philosophy of being assertive.
the difference between being assertive and aggressive through exploration of
personal reactions to given situations.
in role playing exercise to practice the tenants of being assertive.
in participant the courage to be assertive in the most appropriate and
effective way.
write one sentence definition of Assertiveness “An honest direct and
appropriate expression of one’s feelings, thoughts and beliefs.
Test your Assertiveness.
Can you
express negative feelings about other people and their behaviors’ without using
abusive language?
. Are you able to exercise and express
your strength?
. Can you easily recognize and compliment
other people’s achievements?
. Do you have the confidence to ask for
what is rightfully yours?
. Can you accept criticism without
being defensive?
. Do you feel comfortable accepting compliments?
. Are you able to stand up for your rights?
. Are you able to refuse unreasonable
request from friends family and co workers?
. Can you comfortably start and carry
on a conversation with others?
. Do you ask for assistance when you
need it?
“A yes response to the questions indicates an assertive approach”
Why Assertiveness is Important
communicators bring about the achievement of individual and or shared
increases your ability to reach these goals while maintaining your rights and
The Myths about Assertiveness
. Other people feeling and rights are
more important than yours.
. You will offend other people by being
. You are not important enough to
express your feelings and rights.
. Assertive
. You have right to be assertive.
. You have the right to request that
others change their behavior if they are infringing on your rights.
. You have the right to use your own
time to answer questions.
is what you would say when confronted with problem. What is your next step?
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