Friday, September 18, 2015

Role Of Islam

Where the previous prophets of old had gone no further than proclaiming the truth, and had not been able to bring about a revolution on the basis of their teachings, the Prophet Muhammad and his Companions made monotheism a living concept. They were the first such group ever to bring about such a revival in human history.

          First of all, they completely eradicated all forms of polytheism and animism in Arabia, and based their lives, in practice, on monotheism belief. Then they forged ahead to replace polytheism with monotheism throughout the known inhabited world. They destroyed all the idols and the edifices which protected them in the lands that they conquered in Asia and Africa, thus giving monotheism its place on a universal scale. This fact has been acknowledged by orientalists. We quote here from Michael Hart’s book, The Hundred : A Ranking of the Most Influential Persons in History, published in New York. Of the Prophet, it says:

                    He was the only man in history who was supremely successful on both the                         religious and secular levels

This universal monotheism revolution brought about by Islam made it possible to bring the age of superstition to an end. The phenomenon of nature was displaced from its pedestal of worship for man. Everything else was a mere object of creation.

An American encyclopedia rightly says of Islam: “Its advent changed the course of human history”. With the ousting of the phenomenon of nature from its place as an object of worship, it immediately assumed its rightful role – an object of investigation and conquest. This process originated in Medina in the 7th century AD, then was passed on to the centres of the Muslim empire, Damascus and Baghdad, later crossing the sea and entering Spain and Sicily. It surged even further forward and reached Italy and France. This historical process continued till the modern scientific revolution was brought to maturity. The modern western revolution of science is thus the culmination of the Islamic revolution.

Today’s Muslims

Now a question does arise here. How is it that the Muslims of today, who are the followers of that same Islam which taught science to the whole world in its initial stages, are at present lagging far behind others in scientific education? The sole reason is political The scientific revolution brought about by Muslims in their initial stage of growth was diverted to other western nations via Spain. Afterwards most of the progress in science was made by Europeans. Although, during this time, most parts of the world still politically remained in the hands of the Muslims, scientific development was continuously going on in western Europe after the crusades. The major advances in the field of science by Muslims at this early stage of their development ultimately took concrete shape in their victory at the end of the crusades which lasted 200 years from 1095 to 1270. In these wars almost the whole of Europe unitedly attacked the Muslim world in order to recapture their holy places from it, but to no avail. On this subject Pears Encyclopaedia says:

“Millions of lives and an enormous amount of treasure were scarified in these enterprises. And when all was done, Jerusalem remained in the possession of the ‘infidels.”

The end of the crusades meant total victory for Muslims and total defeat for Christian Europe.  Paradoxically, the victory, far from being a great gain, proved to be a great setback for Muslims. The Christians in spite of their total defeat, were the greatest beneficiaries. This was because the Muslims fell to rejoicing over their victory and, becoming complacent, neglected to remain alert to the movements of the enemy. The gratification that came with such phenomenal success was enough to slow, if not destroy, all potential development.

Christian Europe, on the other hand, greatly benefitted from its defeat. There began a process of rethinking among them which made them conscious of their weakness and of the necessity to obviate them. Such was the thinking of those who openly advocated the necessity to learn Arabic, the language of the Muslims, and to translate all the important books from Arabic into Latin. This movement quickly gained ground, and most of the books by Muslims scholars were indeed translated into Latin, the academic language of Europe in those days.

This process went on for many centuries. While Muslims  were savouring their success and wasting their energies, Christian Europe had taken up the challenge in real earnest – launching ‘spiritual crusades’ as they termed it – and having thrown themselves into the task with such enthusiasm and energy, they made consistently good progress.

This journey of Europe continued till 18th-centruy achievements made it obvious to all and sundry Europe had left the Muslims far behind.  Western Europe was now leading the world in modern science and technology. It replaced the hand by the machine. Manual labour was now replaced by mechanization. Moreover, it invented long-range weapons greatly in contrast to the old style of weapons which were only suitable for hand-to-hand fighting. First it held sway over the land, then the sea, then the air. Man and animal power gave way to the machine, sail gave way to steam and, finally, heavier-than-air matter was lifted off the ground. With such land, sea and air power, the west had become a force which the Muslims could not fend off with their existing means and resources. Thus equipped with all the paraphernalia of modernity, the west entered into the Muslim world, the Muslims, in their state of inertia, failed to arrest their advance. The western nations, directly or indirectly, quickly gained control over the whole of the Muslim world.

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