Monday, October 6, 2014

Two Indian Ladies

The enjoyment of nature is an art depending so much on one’s mood and personality, and like all art, it is difficult to explain its technique.  Everything must be spontaneous from an artistic temperament.  He who understands will know how to enjoy nature without being told.  They say that what is allowable and what is not allowable or what is good and what is bad taste in the art of love between husband and wife in the intimacy of their bedroom is not something that can be prescribed by rules.  The same thing is true of that art of enjoying nature.

Autobiographies of journalists and statement are usually full of reminiscences of past events, while the autobiographies of literary men should mainly concern themselves with reminiscences of a happy night or a visit with some of their friends to some valley.

No one should aim at writing immortal poetry.  One should learn the writing of poems merely as a way to record a meaningful moment, a personal mood, or to help the enjoyment of nature.

A man’s life lasts only a hundred years and of this hundred sleep and dream occupy one half, days of illness and sorrow occupy one half and the days of swaddling clothes and senile age again occupy one half. What we have got left is only a tenth or fifth part. Besides, we who are made of the stuff of willows can hardly expect to live a hundred years.

True it is that when the cup of happiness over flows, disaster follows, as the saying goes and this was also an omen that we should not be able to live together until old age.

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