Monday, July 21, 2014

The Importance of Living - On Being Wayward & Incalculable

On Being Wayward & Incalculable

Today scamp is being displaced by soldier as the highest ideal of human being.  Instead of wayward incalculable, unpredictable free individuals, we are going to have rationalized, disciplined, regimented and uniformed, patriotic coolies, so efficiently controlled and organized that a nation of hundred million people can believe in the same creed, think the same thought and like the same food.  Clearly two opposite views of human dignity are possible, the one regarding the scamp and the other regarding the soldier, as the ideal, the one behaving that a person who retain his freedom and individuality is the noblest type and the other behaving that a person who has completely lost independent judgment and surrendered all rights to private beliefs and opinions to the ruler or the state is the best and the noblest thing.

Instead of men, we have members of a class, instead of ideas and personal prejudices and idiosyncrasies, we have ideologies or class thoughts, instead of personalities, we have blind forces and instead of individuals we are masses.  We are all progressing towards the model of ants.

A doctor who prescribes an identical treatment for an identical disease in two individuals and expects an identical development may be properly classified as a social menace because he forgets the individual capacity for reacting in a different manner from others.

The Doctrine of Individual

If there are social philosophies which deny the happiness of the individual life as the final goal and aim of civilization, those philosophies are the product of a sick and unbalanced mind.

The final judgement of any particular type of culture is what type of men and women it turns out.

It is not surroundings, but our reactions towards them that count.

In all this moving panorama of human history, I see only flux and change, determined by man’s own wayward and incalculable and unpredictable choice.

Those who desired to order their national life would first regulate their home life.  Those who desired to regulate their home life would first cultivate their personal lives would first set their heart right.  Those who desired to set their hearts right, would first make their wills sincere.  Those who desired to make their wills sincere would first arrive at understanding.  Understanding comes from exploration of knowledge of things.

When the knowledge of things is gained, then understanding is reached, then the will is sincere. When the will is sincere, then the heart is set right.  When the heart is set right, then the personal life is cultivated.  When the personal life is cultivated, then the home is regulated.  When the home life is regulated, then the national life is orderly and when the national life is orderly then the world is at peace.

From the Emperor down to the common man, the cultivation of personal life is the foundation of all.

It is impossible that when the foundation is disorderly, the super structure can be orderly. There has never been a tree whose trunk is slender and whose top branches are heavy and strong.  There is a cause and a sequence in things and a beginning and end in human beings affairs.  To know the order of precedence is to have the beginning of wisdom.

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